Why dōTERRA?
There are many reasons I absolutely love dōTERRA essential oils, products and being involved with this company.
Here is a fantastic video about what this means.
Essentially dōTERRA work with farmers from all around the world, including Australia where the Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are sourced from. They work with the farmers to develop cooperatives and put a lot of science and research to find where best to source the oil so that it has the highest therapeutic value possible with the correct ratio of chemical constituents for what they want to achieve (eg the Cardamom is excellent for both digestion and respiratory function because of where it is sourced in Guatemala and the ratios of chemical constituents).
Here is a graphic showing where our oils are sourced and here is a video about sourcing Lemon essential oil from Italy and here’s one about sourcing Vetiver from Haiti.
What I love is dōTERRA’s amazing philanthropic generosity, the work they do with the Healing Hands foundation is incredible, building schools and getting fresh running water where previously people had to work three hours each way for dirty water, I get bit teary watching these video’s!
Their purity and efficacy will stun yoU
There are no fillers, synthetics, fragrances, perfumes, pesticides etc, just 100% pure Essential Oil. My friend paid good money for an Australian Certified Organic oil in a health food store, only to get home and read the label, it read 1ml pure essential oil, 11ml multipurpose liquid. With dōTERRA you are paying for 100% pure essential oil!! Absolutely no fillers.
They are MORE than organic.
Are the oils organic? No they are not, they are a ‘step above’. I thought this was wankery at first too, but bare with me and read on..
Words of wisdom from someone in the industry:
“Having worked in & having very close & very relevant relationships in the “organic ” industry, I can assure you that there can be a standard “better” than certified organic. Also the criteria for “certified organic” is extremely loose in a lot of instances. The standard in Australia ACO is probably the best in the world but can still leaves gaps in ultimate quality of product or food”.
These issues are the very reason the owners of dōTerra went down the path they did re CTPG . They wanted assurance of the individual batches of oils BECAUSE “certified organic” standards vary enormously globally & I know what I’m talking about because I have been in the thick of this for over 30 years .
The testing processes that these oils go through are the most extensive in the market & I have listened to INDEPENDENT EXPERTS backing up the efficacy & the purity of these amazing oils .
dōTERRA‘s quality standard for essential oils, CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade®, exceeds industry standards. Because organic certification varies from country to country, province to province, and in the US, from state to state, it is not currently possible to acquire all oils under certified organic status. However, through the GC/MS analysis process, we are able to determine if any chemical residue exists in the essential oil, such as pesticides, herbicides, extenders, and solvents. With this rigorous analysis process, we are able to ensure that all CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oils offered by dōTERRA are a step above organic.
“CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oils mean something very different. It means we protect the chemical compound of the plant just as it was produced from the earth. We don’t need to improve upon that. If we have the care, the scientific knowledge, the commitment and the integrity, we can preserve that.” -Dr. David K. Hill, dōTERRA’s Chief Medical Officer.
We source our essential oils from a number of growers and distillers from around the world. Each location has its own specific laws and rules governing agriculture and collecting wild crafted botanicals. We look for plant materials that are grown in specific environments, but we cannot say that our oils are all “organic” as that requires specific certification that we simply cannot produce for some of our oils.
Our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® testing standard requires that our oil extracts be both free of other foreign materials, which is one of the main reasons for people seeking organic botanicals, and it tests for certain compounds at certain levels so that our oils meet the performance criteria for each lot of oil. If an oil fails the test, specifically pesticides, there is no secondary process for removing the pesticides or foreign matter. The oils failing the test would simply be rejected. Other than the careful distillation of the oils from the plant material, there is no other processing that takes place. They are aromatic extracts, nothing added, and nothing removed—they either meet our standard or they don’t.
We partner with experts that have a lot of experience in this field, and their long history is part of the art of producing such beautiful oils. They are farmers and communities but they are committed to distilling essential oils as artisans; and we believe are mindful of their environments and are committed to sustainable practices.
Our network is vast and our suppliers’ methods are diverse. If we were to learn of any actions of a supplier causing harm to either the environment or to the local people of their community, we would certainly seek other and more appropriate sources.
Our long-term hope is as we grow the demand for essential oils, we can help develop clean industry for local economies around the production of plants and extracts.
Steam distillation is a very clean process. No solvents are used in the process, the left over plant material can make good compost, and the waterwaste stream is clean but for a hint of beautiful-smelling aromatics.
It’s safe, natural & allergy-free
I normally hate things that have a smell like - Ambi Pur, Cologne, Perfume and Cosmetics give me migraines and effect me.
With dōTERRA I can actually wear my own homemade perfume again (simply fractionated coconut oil and 100% pure essential oil). I can make my own safe, natural and effective household cleaning products, I can make my partner cologne, I can make my own air freshener, all with health BENEFITS rather than loading up toxins on my body.
It is truly awesome. And that’s just a few of the things I use these oils for!!